Bush Vs. Eratosthenes



At Syene at noon on the summer solstice the Sun is directly overhead, while at Alexandria it casts a shadow. By calculating the angle of the shadow and using the distance between Syene and Alexandria, the circumference of the earth can be calculate at 250,000 stadia. Geographica is our placement, thereupon.


"Nobody needs to tell me what I believe. But I do need somebody to tell me where Kosovo is."


We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should.  Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.


"Vice President mentioned Nigeria is a fledgling democracy.  We have to work with Nigeria.  That's an important continent."


"I was raised in the West.  The west of Texas.  It's pretty close to California.  In more ways than Washington, D.C. is close to California."


"We got no better friend in that part of the world than the Philippines, and the President said, there are a lot of proud Philippines living in America."



To be continued