General Philosophy


Philosophy / Ideology / Beliefs

While less ideologically driven than most of his talk radio colleagues, he is a registered Democrat with moderate to liberal political views. When asked by callers, Germain describes himself as a "Law and Order Liberal".

Germain has a strong interest in science and technology, and callers frequently ask him about those topics as well as political news. In the early twenty-first century, Germain devoted considerable airtime to "California's bogus power crisis," and was one of the state's first and leading voices to expose the manipulation of the public sector by energy companies at the great expense of California's taxpayers.

While Jewish by heritage, he does not practice that faith. When asked about his religion/spirituality, he replies that he a Deist.

His comments towards vegetarians and vegans callers to his show reveals a marked hostility towards those eating routines.

His libertarian leanings, as expressed on his show (of “live and let live”), are reflected in his pro-choice and pro gay-marriage beliefs.