Ken Johnson's friend Don ______ was one of six million who downloaded "We the People" over the first four days of its posting. Don enthusiastically passed it on to Ken Ken (perhaps, less enthusiastically) passed it on to Another America.org Okalahoma State University Created the Video. They might have had Oscar Wilde's "A little Sincerity is a dangerous thing and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." in mind or cheek (or not). Use this link or Copy the address and paste it in your browsers address window: Or you can go to YouTube and search for Oklahoma State University's We the People Video for Eagles, Martial Music Constitutions, Monuments, Abe Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, Little Children, Puppies, Moms, Mount Rushmore, Tea Party Parties Returning Warriors & The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Sincerity or Satire? You are free to hazard a guess. |